Monthly Archives: November 2014

Samhain Makeover New Problems, New Solutions

Most of this blog so far has been about growing food, gardening and outdoor stuff. Recent changes to my health have kind of grounded me. I’ve had to accept I just can’t do a lot of the things I used to be able to. My muscles are weak, so I can’t lift, I don’t have much stamina and of course my broken ribs have left me sore. Since then I caught flu which led to a chest infection, so since August I’ve felt pretty useless. Until I started up and old hobby, as something to do during my enforced rest. I’ve taken up crochet again. And I can’t stop! Fortunately now it’s winter, the garden is going to sleep anyway, no doubt happily, and full of wildlife as I have left things pretty untidy, the way the critters like it.

I’ve already started showing off my crochet, so if you want a peek here’s a link to my Facebook page. Here’s a taster.

All My Own Work

All My Own Work

I also love patchwork and sewing, so as my son has now vacated my spare bedroom my ambition is to turn it into a craft room. ALL the furniture came to me for free! I mentioned I wanted a drop leaf table to a friend. ‘Oh, I’ve got one gathering dust, he said.’ A neighbour is clearing her house and has a large wall unit perfect for storage. She wants rid of it so has given it to me. The friend I visited in Chippenham I mentioned in my last post has given me a little table with a life up top, perfect to go by my machine to hold scissors and cutting wheels etc. The rest I’ve got from Freegle. It’s all mismatched and old, but solid wood and sturdy, so I’m not only decorating the room, but up-cycling lots of furniture. My plan is a silvery grey wallpaper, Mossy green curtains, grey muslin curtains to mask my partners bookshelves then Royal purple furniture. I’m hoping it will look absolutely fabulous. The room faces almost north and has a big bay window. Here is where my table will sit, and is great light for sewing or photography.

You can see the state of the room I’m tackling. Vacated but certainly not sorted. So I have my work cut out, but it will be fun and worth it. I hope to set up my own little craft business on Etsy in a few weeks. So this space will become my workroom. I’ve done patchwork for most of my adult life and have crochet enough hats to keep the whole town warm. So it’s time to make my craft skills pay.I’m hoping to be able to post some tutorials here, so watch this space. See me develop the room, convert the furniture and make the crafts, as well as updates on the veggies. I do have some beet for its leaves and salad in the greenhouse, and we’re still eating broccoli, chard, and have turnips and Hamburg parsley to harvest, despite my health problems. Here are some photos of the room and stuff that I want to up-cycle. I’m going to see my mum for a few days before I make a start, so don’t expect overnight miracles!

My Potential Craft Room

My Potential Craft Room

The Well Lit Bay Window For My Sewing Machine

The Well Lit Bay Window For My Sewing Machine

The Freecycle Chest Of Drawers

The Freecycle Chest Of Drawers

My Sewing Machine Table, Ready For its Makeover

My Sewing Machine Table, Ready For its Makeover

Cute little table for my scissors etc

Cute little table for my scissors etc

Pine, Soon To Be Purple Chair

Pine, Soon To Be Purple Chair